Thursday, July 17, 2008

Cry Baby

Sorry about the lack of posts these last 2 weeks, but Andrea has been keeping us busy and worried. I swear I am convinced that Alexis as a baby was a trick by God for us to have more children. Alexis, even when she was sick was mellow, non-fussy and usually in a good mood. Andrea - not so much, poor baby. She had us on our toes last week with a fever virus (you know the code name for "she is running a high fever and we don't know why"). She ran a high fever last Tues thru Fri, which got higher every evening till Fri. 102; 103; 104; then Fri it was at 105! Finally it broke Fri night. Sat was ok, she seemed fine; then Sun hit. She got cranky, clingy, and just plain miserable. Then Sun night she would not sleep - AT ALL. She was crying even if we were holding her. Then Mon night - nope no sleep, maybe 3-4hrs tops. Tues morning I turned to Neal and informed him, he was taking her to the Dr. that something else had to be wrong. She got a clean bill of health, and he was told she looked perfect - it was her gums bothering her. WHAT? She cries for 2 straight days and its just her teething? (Remember Alexis - nope, no crying at night.) Ya'll Andy Candy is HOARSE from crying so much. She has been hoarse for 3 days! Thank goodness for Motrin and Benadryl, we have had 2 full nights sleep. So hopefully things will get back to normal in the next few days, and Andy Candy will get her "voice" back.

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