Lights seem to be a little brighter this year....
"Mommy? Where are you? I can't see you!" Of course after she said it, everyone starts looking around to see where Mommy is..."Yes dear, I'm the woman on the floor, in the aisle with the camera!"
Gotta make sure everyone is still out there.... "Oh, Hi Corey!!!"
They seemed to really like the next dance...

Now onto Tap....

"Mommy, where's Daddy?"
(Neal had to leave with Andrea, cause she was getting fussy)
"Just do your dance sweetheart"

And getting her trophy.....

One performance down and one to go!
On a photography note; I'm really not happy with the quality of the pictures I got. Now saying that, I know it is because the quality of lens I'm using. BUT for the next recital I am renting a 70-200mm 2.8 IS lens, so I am so excited to see how those come out. If it so happens that I fall in love with this lens, I may have to sell the TV to fund it :) Anyone in the market for a used TV? SHHH!!!!